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Board of Directors

Salem Child Development Center is governed by a 14 member volunteer Board of Directors. Board Membership is comprised of parents of children enrolled in the center and community members.  Parent members are recruited annually when board membership changes and new members are needed.  Community members are recruited on an ongoing basis.  Interested in joining our Board of Directors? 


The Board of Directors meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 1550 Fairgrounds Rd NE.  Parents are welcome to attend meetings. 

Due to COVID-19 all Board Meetings are held via Zoom. Please contact our office if you are interested in attending.

Angie Carroll, President

Parent Member since 2014

"I originally joined the Board due to my desire to be a part of where my kids spend most of their days. While still true years later, I believe in SCDC's mission and philosophy as an organization that has such influence on early childhood years of the children in our community that I want to support its continued success."


Alexandra Garcia, Vice President

Parent Member since 2018

"I decided to join the board because it is important to me to be involved in my son's school. SCDC has done so much for his development that I wanted to give back."


Brad Tongue, Treasurer

Community Member since 1995

"SCDC provided outstanding care for my two sons from infant to preschool.  One son has severe allergies and SCDC did special training and stocked lifesaving medications to insure he was safe.  I want to assist in making SCDC available to other children and families."


Marlene Hartinger, Secretary

Community Member since 2000

"I initially joined the board when my oldest child was an infant because it was an opportunity to give back to the organization that had given so much to our family. Having our children in a program that provided quality care by highly trained, compassionate teachers and staff was an absolute blessing. My oldest is now in college and I have continued to serve on the board as a community member. It is an honor and a privilege be part of an organization that sustains such a vital role of service to children and families."


Elizabeth Scharback, Treasurer Elect

Community Member since 2018

"I joined SCDC Board of Directors, in 2018 – as a way to give back to my community.  I wanted to join a Non-Profit Board that actively works to benefit the community and what better way than thru a wonderful organization that impacts the children!"


James Dunning 

Parent Member since 2018

"We are given a brief precious amount of time to create a foundation for our children's lives. A critical cornerstone of that foundation is provided by the Salem Child Development Center (SCDC). Its impact is not only significant to their future but also to the health of the community where we live. Seeing first hand the tremendous work SCDC does for member families and throughout the area is very special. I serve on the Board of Directors because it is an incredibly rewarding opportunity to help contribute to the organization's mission."


Casey Gaard

Parent Member since 2018

"I am serving on the board so that I can contribute to supporting the incredible people working for SCDC. They should all feel supported and appreciated so that they can continue to help us raise our children."


Katrina Rothenberger

Parent Member since 2018

"I serve on the Board for SCDC because I value high quality childcare for our community and SCDC is a shining example. My daughter loves waking up and going to her preschool class which fills my heart with joy. I couldn’t ask for a better place for my daughter." 


John Benzinger

Parent Member since 2019

"By joining the SCDC board, I will be an advocate for the families that I know benefit and enjoy the great service that SCDC provides to the community.  Leveraging my experience as a father of three as well as my professional background will serve as my guide when it comes to providing direction and making decisions on behalf of SCDC.  I look forward to doing my part to not only help the students and children but also the wonderful staff who work so diligently on an everyday basis. It is my goal to do what I can to ensure that SCDC remains the best educational child care program in Salem."


Matt Brown

Parent Member since 2019

"Liberty Gardens has been a wonderful environment for my children. Serving on the Board gives me the opportunity to be involved in ensuring SCDC’s future success so that other families can benefit in the same way we have."


Dana Goodale

Parent Member since 2021

"I feel honored to be on the Board and able to support the staff who care so much for my children daily. It is important to me to ensure the successful future of SCDC so that many more children can have a positive experience with the teachers and the opportunity to grow within the learning environment they provide." 


Diana Jones

Parent Member since 2021

"Joining a community of caring people here to do the best for SCDC and the community."


Eddie Maestas

Parent Member since 2021

“I decided to join the board to support the already excellent programming at my kids’ school, and to advocate for my child with special needs and others like her. Since joining, it’s been a privilege to see and be a part of the bigger SCDC community, which is as wonderfully unique and full of life as the children in its care. I’m honored to serve in support of the mission of SCDC and to see it continues to grow and serve every community for years to come.”

Contact Us

© Copyright 2019 by Salem Child Development Center

Tel: 503-363-9821



1550 Fairgrounds Rd NE

Salem, OR 97301

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